What we're reading: February 23

A round-up of food-related articles and recipes we're digging into today.

What we're reading:

Making Fisheries Sustainable

(Yale Environment 360) A serious read for the the fish-eater who wants to know where her food is coming from.

Eating Insects

(Wall Street Journal) Eating insects is on the rise, and soon, according to this article, will be the norm. Follow the recipe for Crispy Crickets to be the real trend setter among your friends.

Voting for the Turkey Hill Cow

I'm from the home of Turkey Hill ice cream (and iced tea, etc), and am getting super excited for the Turkey Hill Experience- a hands-on museum about ice cream! Before the anticipation literally kills me, I'm voting for the design they should put on a giant cow that travels around Central PA.

What we're watching:

Pauly D Talks about Miracle Whip

Finally, something I have in common with Pauly D from Jersey Shore: We both hate Miracle Whip. Other celebrities have weighed in too, including everyone's favorite homemaker Amy Sedaris.

Whose tweets we're reading:

Rainn Wilson on "foodies"

"If hear anyone else call themselves a 'foodie' I'm going to pull out their tongue & pour kerosene on it."


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