Daily Dining Hall Dishes - February 4

Your guide to making the best dining hall dishes at every meal.

Try mixing flavors from hardy, “cowboy” cuisine and traditional Mexican food for lunch with southwestern hot dogs.

2 turkey sausage links
1 biscuit
1 hash brown patty

fruit salad-
1 medium apple, sliced
1 medium pear, chopped into small pieces
1 medium clementine or orange, peeled and sectioned

Southwestern Hot Dogs
-place all ingredients atop hot dogs
2 hot dogs in rolls
1/4 cup cheese sauce
1/4 cup spicy corn and black bean salsa
1/4 cup sauteed onions
dash of hot sauce

1/2 cup chili
1/2 cup seasoned fries

1 cup vegetable ragout
1 piece grilled chicken
1/3 cup asparagus spears
1/3 cup glazed baby carrots

1 piece strawberry angel food cake

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