Daily Dining Hall Dishes - April 14

Your guide to making the best dining hall dishes at every meal.

Cavatelli are another type of Italian pasta which are often mistaken for gnocchi because of their shape. Cavatelli, however, differ from gnocchi in base ingredients, for they are usually made with flour, water, and semolina—gnocchi are usually made with potatoes and flour.

1 omelet with onions and peppers
2 pieces turkey bacon
1 biscuit
1/2 cup hash browns
1 medium banana

1 piece grilled chili lime chicken
1/2 cup Italian rice salad
1/2 cup vegetable chili
1/3 cup sicilian blend vegetables

1/2 cup pineapple chunks

1 cup cavatelli with spicy winter squash
1 cup pumpkin tomato bisque
1 Mexican bean burger
1/2 cup roasted cauliflower and brussels sprouts

1 piece Florida lemon cheesecake

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