What we're reading: February 17

A round-up of food-related articles and recipes we're digging into today.

What We're Reading:


Former McDonald’s Executives to Open a New Health Food Chain

(Time Healthland) A duo of former McDonald’s executives plan to open a new fast yet healthy food chain named LYFE (Live Your Food Everyday) Kitchen. The first restaurant will open up shop this summer in Palo Alto, Calif., and will compete with other health conscious food chains, such as Chipotle. Oprah Winfrey’s celebrity chef and several others will develop a menu that includes “low-cal meals and vegan options alongside Niman ranch beef burgers.”

Home Delivery Food From TakeThemAMeal.com

(Slashfood) Whether someone has passed away, an elderly person is unable to cook nightly, or a broke college student wants a homemade meal once a week, this site helps friends and family coordinate making a meal for someone in need. The administrator of the account can provide a meal wish list, calendar, and delivery instructions to all those happy to help.


Five Reasons You Dinner Might Fall Flat

(The Kitchn) Whether your oven temperature is wrong or you’re a ¼ cup of flour short, The Kitchn lists the top five reasons why your dinner might turn out a disappointment.


What We’re Craving:

Cookie-stuffed Cookies

(Serious Eats) Cookies with baby cookies in the womb—you’ll have to bake it to believe it.


What We’re Watching:

A White Castle Valentine's Review

(Slashfood) Slashfood got romantic at White Castle this past Valentine’s Day. Check out what you and your sweetheart missed.

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