Campus display honors victims of Sept. 11 attacks

College Republicans staked dozens of American flags on the lawn between the Schine Student Center and Newhouse School.

As students and visitors walk the pathway between the Schine Student Center and the S.I. Newhouse School of Public Communications, they will notice a moving display.

A field filled with mini American flags serves as a tribute to the nearly 3,000 victims of the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks.

The project spanned from Sept. 6 to Sept. 7 and was primarily led by the campus College Republican National Committee, although other volunteers also helped to plant the flags one by one.

The committee’s chairman, 20-year-old policy studies and economics junior Wyatt Suling, was in first grade during the attacks. He said that he doesn’t remember seeing the footage of the planes hitting the towers, but he remembers going home and sitting on the couch next to his mother as they watched the news together.

“It’s good for student organizations to get involved, because then they aren’t just talking about issues, they’re being active in them,” Suling said. “The memorial is a tangible way for the community to remember the victims of 9/11. I hope as people walk by, they remember their own stories and where they were on that day.”

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