
August 26, 2013 - 2:55pm
Several agencies respond to emergency calls from student witnesses.

The SU hill was abuzz Monday as students made their way to their first classes of the semester when a professor unexpectedly collapsed outside of Huntington Beard Crouse (HBC) Hall around 11:30 a.m.

Students who witnessed the episode immediately called 911, and within minutes, Syracuse city firefighters and campus emergency medical personnel arrived at the scene near the Quad.

A large crowd of students and professors gathered around, looking on in concerned silence as EMS team members administered CPR and worked vigorously to revive the fallen man.

January 9, 2012 - 12:57am
SUA provides 24/7 ambulance services to faculty, staff and students at the university. The organization is almost entirely run by student members who are living a double life.

There are 75 students on campus that are committed Syracuse University Ambulance members, responding to emergency and medical calls daily. The student members cover overnight shifts, evening shifts or 24-hour shifts as they try to move up in position, gain more responsibility and learn more and more about people they serve.

April 20, 2011 - 9:10pm
A friendship between two Syracuse EMTs enables them to endure tragedies and threats during the overnight shift.

“You start to go crazy I think. You reach a point where you kind of don’t see daylight any more and you pretty much just exist at night.”

Despite feeling on the brink of madness at times, Casey White accepted that as a potential side effect of his career choice as an emergency medical technician at Rural/Metro Ambulance services.

White credited Matthew Nesbitt with helping him survive some of the intense and seemingly never-ending nights.

October 21, 2009 - 12:36pm
Mock accident on SU campus aims to raise awareness about the dangers of drunk driving.

A drunk driver crashed Wednesday on University Place next to the Pan Am Memorial, killing one pedestrian and injuring two others.

Though this tragic turn of events seems like freak accident, no one was actually harmed.

The two “injured” pedestrians were Syracuse University students who walked away from the scene and the dead pedestrian: a plastic dummy.