April 12, 2012 - 3:34pm
Take part by tweeting or following the discussion at #SMinEDU starting at 2 p.m. on Tuesday, April 17.

Social media has emerged as a dominant force in society. Everywhere we turn there are examples of sites like Twitter and Facebook being used in new and innovative ways. How is this affecting how teachers teach and how students learn? Are social media tools being utilized to their fullest potential? This is your chance to discuss it with people wondering the same things. 


Tuesday, April 17, at 2 p.m.

April 5, 2012 - 9:05pm
Based on Chinese dating show "Fei Cheng Wu Rao," female student choose or reject male bachelors in front of a full audience.

A group of 10 girls sit in the pews on the left side of Hendricks Chapel. They seem nervous, but excited. They chat and smile cautiously as the lower level of the chapel, nearly filled with Chinese students, murmurs excitedly in Mandarin. Some of the girls wear high heels and evening dresses, while others don casual tennis shoes and jeans.  

All 10 are looking for a boyfriend at "Fei Cheng Wu Rao," a Chinese game show modified for Syracuse University by the Chinese Students and Scholars Association.

March 30, 2012 - 12:33am
Throughout the evening, the environmentalist and author shared personal stories that helped her find her own voice.

Conservationist and environmental scientist professor at Dartmouth College, Terry Tempest Williams, closed out this year's University Lectures series with a conversation on finding one's voice, as well as her perceptions of America and the world in the past, present and future.

Williams' presentation, titled "The Writer as Witness," was held Thursday evening in Hendricks Chapel. It was formatted as a conversation with Syracuse University geography professor Don Mitchell.

March 26, 2012 - 10:08pm
More than 100 students stood on the steps of Hendricks Chapel to show support for Trayvon Martin, a slain Florida teenager.

More than 100 students and faculty shivered through Monday night's windy 30-degree weather in hooded sweatshirts to rally on the quad in support of Trayvon Martin, the unarmed 17 year old who was shot and killed a month ago by self-appointed neighborhood watchman George Zimmerman in Sanford, Fla.

March 23, 2012 - 7:05pm
Syracuse University officials confirm the death of Courtenay Nash in DellPlain Hall on Friday afternoon.

Courtenay Nash, an economics freshman, was found dead on the first floor of DellPlain Hall around 4:30 p.m. Friday.

Details are not yet available on the cause of death but The Post-Standard reported it "is not believed to be criminal in nature," said Syracuse Police Department spokesman Tom Connellan.

March 20, 2012 - 8:49pm
Zadie Smith delivered the second lecture in the spring semester for the annual University Lecture series.

In a floral frock, pink head wrap and black-rimmed glasses covering a third of her face, Zadie Smith is anything but dull.

But the accomplished British novelist -- who still wonders how she manages to draw a crowd -- told a captive audience at Hendricks Chapel Tuesday night that writers’ lectures make her uncomfortable.

You just never know what to do, she said. “You glance around, look at your nails then back at the writer and wonder what she is saying.”

March 8, 2012 - 2:11pm
Syracuse University public safety officials say being more aware is the best way to curb traffic accidents on campus.

With almost 50 traffic accidents on campus so far this school year, public safety officials at the university and in the city are looking for ways to ensure driver and pedestrian safety in the Syracuse University area. 

March 6, 2012 - 11:25pm
Jonathan Franzen, a National Book Award-winning author, spoke at Hendricks Chapel on Tuesday night as the first speaker of the spring semester in the University Lecture series.

A bald, middle-aged man looked up from his newspaper with a start, his eyes magnified by lenses that look like portholes.

“Cornel West is also speaking tonight?” he said to the woman beside him. “Shoot, I like him.”

The woman folded her wrinkled hands on her copy of The Corrections. “I like Franzen,” she said.

February 27, 2012 - 9:38pm
Syracuse University has been actively recruiting a more diverse student body, but the campus still faces the issue of getting people of different backgrounds to interact.

Diversity is an issue at Syracuse University. But not in the way most people think.

University officials hold that SU students represent a wide range of backgrounds, ethnicities and cultures. But, they add, the campus’s diversity issues lie in the fact that many students do not interact with those of different backgrounds from themselves.

February 16, 2012 - 12:56am
Protest staged outside Schine Center where Republican adviser discussed GOP politics and economic policies Wednesday.

If there was one word to describe the Karl Rove talk organized by College Republicans at Syracuse University on Wednesday night, it would be "safe." There was no Valerie Plame. Not a mention of the controversial entry into the Iraq War, nor of the firing of U.S. state attorneys during the Bush administration. None of that.

In fact, all questions for former President George W. Bush's senior adviser had to be submitted to and screened by the moderator prior to the Q-and-A session.