Still Time to Join Relay for Life

With four days left there is still time to participate in Relay for Life

In four days the Carrier Dome will become one giant sleepover.  From 6 p.m. to 6 a.m. on April 10 the American Cancer Society and Syracuse University will partner for the annual Relay for Life.  This year's Relay will feature a Mr. & Mrs. Relay competition and a performance by the Orange Pulse dance team.  The Luminaria ceremony will be held from 10-11 p.m. with Luminarias sold at the event.

So far the event has raised $112,125.02 for cancer and 205 teams with 1,915 people set to participate.  Those who wish to participate can create a team or sign up as late as 11 p.m. the day of the event.  Teams are also encouraged to create fundraisers that will take place during the event and after the ceremonies.  Participants are allowed to bring sleeping bags, tents and banners to the event.

If you wish to create a team, donate or simply find out more about this event click here.

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