Student hit by car on campus

An ambulance took a male student to the hospital after a car hit him on Waverly Ave. and S. Crouse Ave.

It smelled like burning rubber and beer. It sounded like a tire screech. The street looked wet and something had shattered a few feet from the curb of Waverly Ave. and S. Crouse. 

Around 4 p.m., a male student was hit by a car while crossing the street. He was responsive after the accident and sat on the curb while medics spoke to him and put a neck brace on him. The student's identity is unknown at this time.

"The victim was walking across the intersection," said an officer who confirmed he was with the Syracuse Police Department, but would not give a name. "He'd been drinking...he just got hit."

Two fire trucks showed up. The student was put on a stretcher and taken away by ambulance.

The Syracuse University Department of Public Safety had no comment.

Videos by Pete Wayner.

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