as it happens

October 25, 2012 - 2:13pm
A documentary about the 1988 bombing that killed 35 SU students premiered Wednesday night as part of the annual Remembrance Week.

In the dark, the only light from a screen fell on pensive faces and teary eyes. Students gathered Wednesday at the Kittredge Auditorium in Huntington Beard Crouse Hall to memorialize a tragedy that happened 24 years ago.

October 25, 2012 - 9:03am
A documentary about the 1988 bombing that killed 35 SU students premiered Wednesday night as part of the annual Remembrance Week.

In the dark, the only light from a screen fell on pensive faces and teary eyes. Students gathered Wednesday at the Kittredge Auditorium in Huntington Beard Crouse Hall to memorialize a tragedy that happened 24 years ago.