Top ten fan-made signs at Syracuse's College GameDay

There were signs that bashed Justin Bieber and Duke (simultaneously), as well as great puns created from the letters E-S-P-N. But which one was the best?

One great part of ESPN College GameDay is the signs fans make to display behind Rece Davis, Jalen Rose, Digger Phelps and Jay Bilas. They can be anything created from timely new stories to play on words to just plan weird. 

Here are The NewsHouse's top ten signs seen at ESPN College GameDay, excluding big heads:

10) Jalen told Webber to call timeout

@JalenRose Acknowledge my sign! We all know it's true! #CollegeGameday #NothingAgainstYaBro #OrangeNation

9) Get in the zone. Ottozone

8) Duke wears Jorts

7) King of the Loudhouse

6) Duke likes Nickleback

5) Ennis Steals Parker's Naismith

4) Nothing rhymes with Orange but Duke rhymes with puke

3) Duke I am your father

2) Ennis the Menace

1) Bieber is a Duke fan 

Which do you think is the best?

What was the best sign from College GameDay at Syracusee?
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