Daily Dining Hall Dishes - April 13

Your guide to making the best dining hall dishes at every meal.

Vegetarian burgers are not always made from various veggies—they can also be based in other ingredients such as chickpeas or black beans, or even lentils like the burgers served today at lunch!

Pear-fect Blueberry Oatmeal—mix all ingredients in a bowl
1 1/2 cup oatmeal
1/3 cup dried blueberries
1 medium pear, chopped into small pieces
2 tablespoons walnuts
1/2 cup egg white omelet
1/3 cup homefries
1 lentil burger
1 cup vegetable soup
1/3 cup maraconi and cheese
1/3 cup corn
1 medium apple
2 beef fajitas
1 scallion pancake
1/2 cup Mexican rice
1/3 cup baby carrots
1 piece death by chocolate cake

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