Danielle LaRose


About Me: 

Danielle LaRose joined The NewsHouse this semester as Social Media Director. She studies magazine journalism and retail management with a focus on fashion communications and visual merchandising.

Prior to the NewsHouse, Danielle was the Executive Director of Medley Magazine, where she oversaw editorial content and produced feature stories for online and print editions. She also contributed to Equal Time Magazine as a fashion stylist and worked at Zipped Magazine as an art director and designer.

She has interned in London and New York at Lula Magazine and Monrowe Magazine, two independent fashion publications, as well as at CarmenBusquets.com.

Connect with her via her personal website at daniellelarose.com and on Instagram @dani_larose or follow the NewsHouse on Twitter @NewsHouse to get in touch. 


Member for
6 years 45 weeks