
February 14, 2016 - 7:12pm
Whether it's a another person or activity, these students and local residents are passionate.

Valentine's Day is the annual reminder of love, and that love isn't necessarily limited to another individual.

As several of our digital reporters discovered in their quest to find expressions of love, human passions extend to animals, activities and themselves.

Watch the series of videos above to learn more about the way love can be expressed.

Videos produced by Natasha Amadi, Kate Capodanno, Mariana Domingues, Danielle Gehman, Nicole Griffin, Shumin Lai and Jackie Prager.

May 3, 2015 - 6:30pm
For the fourth annual Wellness Week, Syracuse University services and organizations collaborate to put on a week of events that promote physical, nutritional and holistic health.

Running has always been a passion for Syracuse graduate student Danielle Kennedy.

Before graduate school, Kennedy was an All-American track and field athlete.

Now, Kennedy doesn’t have the motivation and pressure of her coaches and teammates to keep her on the path to eating healthy and staying physically fit.

“I have to find self motivation,” Kennedy said.

“I noticed that after I run I’m motivated to do everything. I’m the most motivated to eat a healthy dinner, to go to the library to do homework, and to find time to hang out with my friends.”

February 21, 2013 - 3:01pm
Syracuse University students sound off on how they're keeping up with fitness ambitions -- and why it's important to stay active.

The Archbold Gymnasium bustles with students working on the weight machines, lifting free weights, and running on the treadmills. Guys watch themselves lift weights with pain on their faces while girls power through their elliptical and treadmill workouts. The image differs greatly from the way the Archbold Gymnasium looked in December, perhaps because of the new year.

January 31, 2013 - 4:51pm
Beat the unhealthy habits of the winter blues by swapping out your usual "M" Street snacks with more nutritious alternatives.

Have you been packing on the pounds this winter? A Gallup poll conducted in 2011 found that Americans tend to exercise less and eat unhealthier foods when it's cold outside. Get out of your unhealthy slump this winter -- if not by getting your butt to the gym -- by swapping your favorite Marshall Street foods for alternate, healthier options.

