English EDM trio Above and Beyond played all their fan-favorites at a newly opened concert venue on Thursday.
The venue was packed body-to-body, people were moving to their own beats in secluded corners, and tears were flowing as the crowd echoed the words of Above & Beyond's every song.
Syracuse University students and coffee proprietors alike admit that java is their pick-me-up of choice.
After waking up from a long night of studying, you need a quick pick-me-up before you head to your 10:30 a.m. lecture. If you intend on making it to class on time, you better plan on getting a head start because many other students have the same idea as you.
Spotlight on sustainability: A bright hope for the Syracuse University campus or a fading dream?
All the buzzing widgets, blinking bulbs and electric air coolers in Newhouse I, II and III zapped through 150,200 kilowatt-hours of electricity last July. This is 7.5 times the energy consumed by the average automobile in the year 2000. It's 64 times the total magnetic field energy in all the magnets of the Large Hadron Collider, and 12 times the average yearly single-family home electricity usage.
Founder of WorldChanging.com Alex Steffen spoke at Hendricks Chapel about achieving big green change.
Those in attendance at Hendricks Chapel might have been surprised by the many statistics and studies Alex Steffen rattled off about environmental sustainability Tuesday afternoon. Yet the sometimes counter-intuitive facts he cited all pointed to a common theme: achieving a sustainable future, he says, isn’t about doing things differently -- it’s about doing different things.