
February 23, 2016 - 10:35am
Grab a bite to eat at Lemongrass before Downtown Dining Weeks in Syracuse comes to a close.

Only one week remains for Syracuse Dining Weeks, the Downtown Committee's enterprising solution to the mid-winter restaurant lull. Venturing out in the frigid night to eat somewhere that requires a bit more than the dining hall-sanctioned sweatpants and sweatshirt attire may not sound like a top priority, but don't write it off so fast. Until Feb. 29, delectable food at some of Syracuse's top-rated restaurants is available for $25 or less.

By Anonymous
October 3, 2015 - 9:40pm
Chefs take part in the My Lucky Tummy event, which allows five amateur chefs to share a favorite meal from their homeland with the community. This year's event took place Saturday and tickets sold out.

Ingredients of all shapes, sizes, colors and smells were blended into five sets of dishes at this fall’s My Lucky Tummy (MLT) event. MLT organizes two pop-up food courts a year, each featuring five amateur chefs sharing a favorite meal from their homelands with the public.

November 4, 2012 - 10:22pm
After his food truck's successful debut, chef Steve LeClair is closing down the truck for the winter and opening up a deli.

Just seven months after opening his gourmet food truck, Steve LeClair is ready to open his first restaurant.