What we're reading: March 23

A round-up of food-related articles and recipes we're digging into today.

What we're reading

Veggie Burgers

(New York Times) As a vegetarian, I'm excited for veggie burgers to get a chance to shine. Word of caution: the veggie burgers in the slideshow do not look appetizing, even to a five-year veg. So, view at your own risk.

Tops Turns Orange

(Troy Nunes is an Absolute Magician) Everyone's favorite right-next-to-South-Campus grocery is now Syracuse-themed.

Supermarket Rip-Offs

(Slashfood) Don't buy boxed cereal, or Funyuns.

What we're cooking

Asparagus Shandong-Style

(Savour) Asparagus season just can't come soon enough! I can't wait to cook this simple and beautiful recipe.

Indian food from Nigella

(Cooking Channel) I just watched the Indian food episode of Nigella Feasts. This easy muttar paneer recipe looks divine.

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