Daily Dining Hall Dishes - March 31

Your guide to making the best dining hall dishes at every meal.

Chow mein is the Chinese term for a dish that’s based with stir-fried noodles. There are many different varieties of chow mein, because noodles are one of the most fundamental ingredients of chinese cooking. Try a bowl of chicken chow mein at dinner tonight!

2 blueberry waffles
2 pieces bacon
1/2 cup egg white omelet

fruit salad-
1/2 grapefruit
1/2 cup grapes
1/3 cup honeydew
1 small banana, sliced

1 piece chicken with red lentils
1 grilled portobello mushroom
1 cup cream of jalapeno soup
1/3 cup peas

1 medium apple

1 cup chicken chow mein
1/2 cup hunan beef
1/2 cup fried rice
1 vegetable egg roll

1 piece whipped cream strawberry cake

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