Daily Dining Hall Dishes - March 3

Your guide to making the best dining hall dishes at every meal.

Portabello mushrooms are often substituted for meat in dishes made for vegetarians because they’re hearty and satisfying. Give one a try at lunch today as a side dish to chicken and soup.

2 blueberry waffles
2 pieces turkey bacon
1/2 cup egg white omelet
1/2 cup pineapple chunks

1 cup cream of jalapeno soup
1 piece grilled portabello mushroom
1/2 cup chicken with red lentils
1/2 cup peas
1 medium pear

1 piece eggplant parmesan
1/2 cup rosemary potatoes
1/3 cup green beans with almonds

side salad-
1 cup romaine lettuce
1/4 cup cucumbers
1/4 cup cherry tomatoes
1/4 cup olives
2 tablespoons kidney beans
2 tablespoons banana peppers
dress with olive oil, salt, and pepper

1 piece whipped cream strawberry cake

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