Daily Dining Hall Dishes - January 26

Chinese food doesn't have to mean piling chicken and broccoli, fried rice, and an egg roll on your plate and calling it a meal.

Check out the simple Asian-style salad for dinner. It's super easy to make and complements a Chinese food dinner perfectly!



1 whole wheat bagel with peanut butter

1 medium apple

1 cup orange juice



1 cup cheese tortellini

1/2 cup tuna salad

1/2 cup green beans

1 medium pear



Asian Salad - mix all ingredients and enjoy!

1 cup romaine lettuce

1/4 cup red onions, sliced

1/4 cup red peppers, sliced

4-5 broccoli florets

1 small orange or clementine, peeled and sectioned

2 tablespoons watercress

2 tablespoons sliced almonds

2 tablespoons Asian vinaigrette, or olive oil, to dress

sprinkle of crunchy noodles, if desired


3/4 cup beef & mushrooms

1 egg rolls (southwestern, shrimp, or pork)

1 piece raspberry chocolate mousse cake

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