Nan Ding


About Me: 

Nan Ding joined Newshouse in 2015 Spring. She is a senior at Syracuse University major in Magazine journalism and Information Technology.

Prior to Newshouse, Nan has experience researching and developing iPhone and iPad apps for Boys Life Magazine in 2014. She has also interviewed three editors at Economist Magazine of U.S. office and finished a research paper based on her three-month research. Besides, she has also served as web developer and mutimedia journalist at Sapient's Shanghai Office last summer. She fixed Nivea's official website and finishing two short ads for Nivea's projects.

Nan was also one of the founding members of WeStartIn, a nonprofit education institution. She helped developing the official website, building pages on various social media and finishing graphic design projects on logo design, brochure design and folder design in 2013.

Nan's ischool studies give her skills in web design, app development, database management, javascript and project management. She is looking forward to having more digial journalism experience at NewsHouse.

Connect with Nan on LinkedIn Nan Ding and @Nancy_Ding.

If you are a Chinese social media fan, add Nan on Weibo.


Member for
9 years 26 weeks