Personable owner, great food keeps customers coming back to Lady Bug Lunch Box

The downtown food stand, which has been running for over 10 years, was recently named the best food truck in Syracuse.

Pam Dwyer is the owner of Lady Bug Lunch Box located downtown. The red food truck was named the best Syracuse food truck by Syracuse New Times. The title may bring more fame and business to the truck, but the key to Lady Bug Lunch Box's success has been its great food and Dwyer's appealing personality.

It's not hard to see that Dwyer is very easy-going and has great relationships with her customers. Some people stop by the truck not only for the food, but also to meet Dwyer or say hello. Meeting an old friend is a joy to customers while enjoying tasty foods.

Dwyer always likes to talk and listen to people. Many times, she has fed a homeless person who people would shy away from. Her friendliness earned that person’s respect. She has also encouraged a boy to master some skills so that he would be successful in the future. Her encouragement worked. That little boy is now a young man and is working fixing tractors with great pay.

Known for its turkey burger, Lady Bug Lunch Box also serves homemade brownies. Some customers walk or drive many miles just for that dessert.

To promote her products, Dwyer set up a Lady Bug Lunch Box Facebook page. "I just try to step into a modern age," Dwyer said. "I never thought that business and social media were so relevant. Sometimes people just like you on Facebook and suddenly you're popular, so social media is very important." Dwyer seizes the opportunity of social media to engage with customers. She constantly posts updates on the food, and she also shares some news – such as being named the best food truck in Syracuse.

Dwyer wakes up at 4 a.m. every day to prepare the food for the business, and she feels satisfied with that: "I'm appreciative for what I have. Overall I'm happy."

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