The activist has promoted change and education in more than 140 countries.
World-renowned performer, activist and playwright Eve Ensler continued the University Lecture series on Wednesday, lecturing a Hendricks Chapel audience on global violence against women.
“Stand up for your rights. Stand up for what you believe in,” Ensler said to the audience, in a message she emphasized throughout her passionate lecture.
The Student Association for Sexual Safety and Empowerment put on its annual benefit performances of "The Vagina Monologues" on campus this weekend.
“Let’s start with the word ‘vagina”, begins Eve Ensler’s play, “‘The Vagina Monologues;’ “it sounds like an infection at best, a medical instrument maybe.”
Originally created as a celebration of vaginas and sexual empowerment, “The Vagina Monologues” has become a widespread art movement about ending sexual violence against women.