After losing her daughter, Debi Hobbs is working to increase the quality and accessibility to mental health care for children in the Syracuse area.
She wanted to be like Michael Myers.
Debi Hobbs woke up in the middle of the night fearing something was wrong. She found her daughter, Amaya Stethers, in the closet with a knife. Amaya, who had been diagnosed with Schizoaffective Disorder and Autism, later told her mother that she wanted to be like famed movie killer.
Even after this episode, Hobbs waited two months, trying everything else in her power, before seeking an inpatient facility for her daughter. When she could, Hobbs avoided the inpatient facilities available around Syracuse.
The press conference addressed sexual violence, counseling services and underrepresentation of minorities.
THE General Body held a press conference Tuesday afternoon at 500 Hall of Languages, addressing the subjects of underrepresentation of racial minorities and inadequate counseling resources for mental health and victims of sexual violence.
After returning from treatment and rehab for bulimia, Rachel Rifkin has voiced her struggles and is now looking to create a network to help others tackling similar issues.
Expensive treatments have helped Rachel Rifkin gain control of her eating disorder during college. Before she graduates from SU in two months, she hopes to have laid the groundwork for something just as valuable: a network of students who will be able to talk to — and support — each other.
She is working on that now, with help from a local group.