
March 5, 2015 - 11:19am
Andreas Weigend spoke to issues about data and its effect on education, the workplace and health care.

Andreas Weigend has a positive outlook when it comes to the future of big data. Having the information to help people make better choices on what to buy, on how to interact with others, on how to travel, on how to learn—that’s exactly what intrigues him, he said.

“What would you do if you built the platform to help people make better decisions?” Weigend said. “What can we do with data — that’s what drives me. That’s what makes me happy.”

May 2, 2014 - 4:16am
The 2014-2015 guest speakers include Van Jones, co-host of CNN’s Crossfire and Laurel J. Richie, the president of the WNBA.

Syracuse University announced next year’s University Lectures series speakers on Wednesday.

Beginning on September 30, seven distinguished guests from different disciplines will speak at Hendricks Chapel.