January 20, 2011 - 4:17pm

Syracuse University has more than 30 sculptures and statues on campus.

The works range in date from 1890 to 2005 and in topic from Greek mythology to modern art.

Take a tour of the statues and sculptures on campus with the above map. Zoom out to see statues on South Campus.


January 4, 2011 - 6:02pm
From Gutenberg to Malcolm X, history is literally at your fingertips on the Bird's sixth floor.

It’s an old joke that a library’s worth is measured by how much its collection weighs.

Syracuse University’s Bird Library houses about 3 million volumes, and its Special Collections Research Center includes more than 145,000 printed works and more than 2,000 manuscript and archival collections.

Impressive numbers. But they don’t prove the millions of volumes are being used.

December 8, 2010 - 7:21pm
A Syracuse newcomer reflects on the snowfall that shows no signs of stopping.

New England weather is moody. Growing up in southwestern Connecticut, I saw times when it was warm in winter months and freezing cold in spring and summer.

Three years ago my family moved to Long Island, and in December 2009, there was a substantial blizzard where up to 26 inches of snow struck the ground, according to Newsday. It was unexpected, and it was a necessity to cozy up under blankets and have a nice cup of hot chocolate.

November 17, 2010 - 1:00am
Bernard Amadei explains how engineers can help make the world a better place.

On Tuesday evening, Bernard Amadei assured the Hendricks Chapel audience that he came in peace.

The co-founder and president of Engineers Without Borders - USA promised he wouldn’t talk about fancy engineering or explain complex equations. He wanted to speak to the Syracuse University students and faculty about engineering with a human face.

November 6, 2010 - 7:49pm
The world's most highly decorated Winter Olympic athlete, Apolo Ohno, shows how we can all come closer to living with zero regrets.

“It’s not about how you start, it’s how you finish.” That was the message Winter Olympic gold medalist and ...

November 3, 2010 - 10:45pm
Award-winning New York Times columnist Nicholas D. Kristof discusses the vital role of women in addressing development issues across the globe.

“Are there more males or more females in the world today?” New York Times op-ed columnist Nicholas D. Kristof polls the audience at the beginning of his lecture. “Males?” A few tentative hands go up. “Females?” Most of the attendees in a packed-to-the-ceiling Hendricks Chapel raise their hands.

The answer is men. But Kristof’s answer to the world’s troubles is women.

October 26, 2010 - 10:39pm
A group of expert panelists gathered on Tuesday, Oct. 26 to discuss what the BP oil spill means to the future of American energy.

The British Petroleum oil rig exploded six months ago, killing 11 people and sending a steady stream of panic into the Gulf of Mexico region, and yet the nation is still grappling with the aftermath with no end in sight.

October 23, 2010 - 10:55pm
A Remembrance Scholar gets to know the Pan Am Flight 103 victim she represents.

When I became a Remembrance Scholar, I anticipated spending a lot of time in university archives learning about an exceptional, far away person who died too soon. I imagined talking about the Pan Am 103 tragedy with current scholars, and readied myself for many a weepy phone call home to my mom.

All of that came true. But what I didn’t realize before this process began was the connection I would make with the families of the victims of Pan Am 103, the message they would have for us, and how close I would feel to the tragedy, despite the distance.

October 21, 2010 - 12:39am
PostSecret creator Frank Warren brings the comedy and confessions to Syracuse University.

Frank Warren has a ton of secrets.

No, really. Warren stores in Tupperware bins every single PostSecret message ever mailed to him. And yes, he estimates that all the secrets — more than half a million in five years — literally weigh at least a ton.

In 2005, Warren started PostSecret, a continuous art project where people anonymously mail secrets to his home in Germantown, Md. They range in topic, from loneliness and suicide to love and jokes. He posts new secrets online each Sunday.

October 19, 2010 - 5:12pm
Five-time Emmy winner and columnist Randy Cohen discusses ethics in today's society at Hendricks Chapel.

Randy Cohen writes “The Ethicist” column in The New York Times Magazine, but said he is not an expert in ethics and sometimes wonders how he got his job.

But after writing the weekly column for 11 years, he must be doing something right.  

“I was not hired to personify virtue, but rather to analyze it,” Cohen told a Hendricks Chapel audience Tuesday night as part of the University Lectures series.